Turquoise is the Best Sagittarius birthstone; other birthstones for Sagittarius are Blue Topaz, Tanzanite, and Citrine. Sagittarius people are born between November 22 and December 21, the ninth zodiac sign among 12 others. Jupiter is its the ruling planet, its symbol Centaur, ruled this zodiac sign, and the element is Fire. Sagittarius people are honest and smart, love freedom and independence, and always crave knowledge and love to spread their success too. They are real risk-takers and love adventure also they are known for their emotional intelligence. So these Sagittarius people need gemstones that can be lucky for them and improve their intellectual power to absorb and spread more knowledge.
About All Best Sagittarius Birthstone:

Turquoise is the traditional Sagittarius birthstone and a December birthstone too. Feroza/ Firoza is one of the popularly known gemstones for luck. It is also associated with the throat chakra which helps to create good communication and removes fear of speaking. Additionally, because of its potent amplifying properties, turquoise can support Sagittarians in developing their spiritual side and in staying receptive to whatever words or messages the universe may have to offer. Lastly, turquoise adds a balancing aspect that can balance the energy of the masculine and feminine. It is also worn by the celebrity Salman Khan on his bracelet, he also claimed that wearing turquoise is considered lucky for him.

There are many types of Topaz among which Blue Topaz is considered a good Sagittarius birthstone. It’s well known that Sagittarians speak without thinking first and don’t embrace their inner editor to help weed out some less-than-tactful word choices. To maintain more considerate and kind communication, attract affection, and be understood with unwavering clarity, blue gemstone topaz works with the throat chakra, also it helps Sagittarius people to express their feelings and communicate with others. Blue topaz is also a good and lucky gemstone, and a substitute for precious blue sapphire too.

Tanzanite is one of the beautiful gemstones popularly known for its colour and lustre. Along with the Sagittarius birthstone, it is also a December birthstone. It is found in the only region of Africa that is Tanzania. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation. Tanzanite brings clarity to our thoughts, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves focus and confidence. Tanzanite is one of the most beautiful & expensive gemstones due to its rarity. For Sagittarius, it is quite difficult to their this birthstone.Â

Citrine is all sunshine and style, full of sweetness, and ready to help turn up the positive. This vivid quartz is ideal for those star signs that are associated with winter. Citrine as Sagittarius’ birthstone helps to bring more clarification, improving health and bringing success for Sagittarius people. Citrine, which brightens the dark and is rich in vitamin D for the soul, bolsters the Sagittarian sign’s already uplifting energy and keeps its members joyful and full of childlike enthusiasm. After the three blue stones, this yellow citrine is also a Sagittarius birthstone which is also very good and beneficial for Sagittarius personality.

Zircon is the other Sagittarius birthstone, it’s all about inner beauty, tranquillity, and protection. Those Sagittarians who have a voracious appetite for adventure and a propensity to travel into the vast unknown will particularly benefit from the protection factor. To balance out all that restless energy, this stone makes sure that these intrepid travellers stay safe and dwell in peaceful areas. Go to blue zircon if you want to strengthen the bond between precious stones and the Sagittarian. Using this Sagittarius birthstone will also bring mental clarity, and clarity in thoughts, and promote good physical and mental health.Â